improvise in the style of Django Reinhardt

The musical style of Django Reinhardt learning website

Welcome to everyone !

improvise in the style of Django Reinhardt

The musical style of Django Reinhardt learning website

Welcome to everyone !

On, we propose you to learn how to  improvise in the style of Django Reinhardt and training in jazz improvisation through a 150-page method and 3 hours of tutorial videos.  and also phrases analysis of Django and our team through courses modules  from a list of standards.Numerous documents and support materials are available to help you practice throughout this adventure.

The aim here is to understand the mechanisms of the language of improvised music in order to express oneself without limits !

However, although it is not compulsory, the study of the method is strongly recommended in order to understand the subtleties of the analyses of the videologic courses.

Who are we ?

Above all, music lovers !

But more precisely, the one between the two world wars in Europe and the United States.

Jazz music, or particularly here the swing music, has seen the birth of many talents in each of the musical disciplines including composition, arrangement or interpretation.

The brilliant two-fingered guitarist Django Reinhardt is one of the most representative.

” After 15 years spent, in part, studying how to improvise in the style of Django Reinhardt in order to search for that feeling of artistic freedom, I have worked to pass on my analysis in order to train other enthusiasts of this music. “

– Romain Constant –